Grade 8 Math: Scientific Notation

In this topic, the student learns the fundamentals of scientific notation. This series of two lessons teaches the student how to convert from scientific notation to standard form and how to convert from standard form to scientific notation.

This topic furthers the students understanding of exponents and allows them to see another way to represent numbers.

Scientific Notation: Write in Standard Form

In this lesson, the student learns how to convert from scientific notation to standard form. The student first learns what scientific notation is. The student then learns how to convert from scientific notation when the power of ten is positive. Then, the student finishes the lesson learning how to convert from scientific notation when the power of ten is negative.

Scientific Notation: Write from Standard Form

In this lesson, the student learns how to convert from standard form to scientific notation. The student reviews the definition of scientific notation to find how to convert from standard form to scientific notation. The student then learns how to convert from standard form to scientific notation when the power of ten will be positive. Then, the student learns how to convert from standard form to scientific notation when the power of ten will be negative.

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