Algebra A Math: Applications I

In this topic, students are introduced to word problems and applications that rely on algebraic reasoning to solve. The student is shown that while many types of these problems may exist, they all share underlying mathematical principles. These principles allow the student to find the solutions to numerous types of applications by identifying the mathematical structure of the problem.

This series of five lessons introduces the student to finding the solution to application problems that require algebraic reasoning.

Introduction to Problem Solving I

In this lesson, the student learns how to set up and solve sum and difference application problems. The student is shown the various key words that can be used in sum and difference word problems. The lesson also shows step-by-step solutions to the various problems presented in the lesson.

Introduction to Problem Solving II

This lesson introduces the student to sum and ratio application problems. The student learns how to identify these problems and how to set up equations of real-world problems that involve a sum and ratio. Step-by-step instructions help the student to see how to set up and solve the problem.

Introduction to Problem Solving III

This lesson shows the student both sum and difference and sum and ratio problems. The foundation of the previous two lessons are used to allow the student to find the correct mathematical structure for the given application problem.

Formulas and Problem Solving I

This lesson introduces the student to motion and rate of flow problems. The student learns the important concepts of how the ratio times a factor equaling the product can be used to solve applications.

Formulas and Problem Solving II

In this lesson, the student learns how to solve applications that deal with the value of a set of items and the interest earned on an investment. The formulas for each type of problem are introduced and shown to the student.

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