Grade 7 Math: Probability and Statistics

In this series of lessons, the student is introduced to the basics of probability and statistics. This series of seven lessons introduces the student to viewing probability from various places, writing the probability as a percent, and calculating the complementary probability of an event.

The student is also shown how to compare two different sized datasets.

Probability from Pictures

In this lesson, the student learns how to find the probability of an event given a pictorial representation. Examples are given to explain the basics of probability and to introduce the student to the idea of probability.

Probability: From Words and Pictures

In this lesson, the student learns how to find the probability given a sentence description of the event and possible outcomes. A pictorial method is created, and then used to describe the probability.

Probability: From Words

In this lesson, the student learns to find the probability of an event given a sentence description of the event and possible outcomes. This lesson relies solely on the sentence description, and does not include a pictorial description.

Probability: As Percents and Decimals

In this lesson, the student learns to find the decimal and percent representation of a probability.

Probability: Predicting Future Events

This lesson teaches the student that, given a specified rate of occurrences of an event, to predict the number of events given a specific number of attempts.

Compare Datasets of Different Sizes

This lesson teaches the student to evaluate two datasets with different sizes. The student sees examples worked where given two datasets they are asked to find which has a higher probability of an event occurring.

Complementary Probability

In this lesson, the student learns the formula for the complement of a probability, that is, the probability an event does not occur.

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