In this series of 4 lessons, students learn how to compare the size of fractions, including both proper and improper fractions (although the terminology of proper and improper fractions is not introduced until a later lesson).
In this lesson, students learn to compare fractions to one whole unit. Fractions for which the numerator is less than the denominator are less than one whole unit. Fractions for which the numerator is greater than the denominator are greater than one whole unit. Fractions for which the numerator and denominator are equal are equal to one whole unit.
In this lesson, students learn to compare the size of unit fractions with different denominators. The size of a fraction is defined on the basis of the distance of the fraction from zero on the number line. Unit fractions with a smaller denominator are farther to the right on a number line, so they are larger than unit fractions with a smaller denominator.
In this lesson, students learn to compare the size of fractions with the same denominator. When two fractions have the same denominator, the fraction with the larger numerator is the larger fraction, since it is farther to the right on the number line.
The concept of equivalent fractions is introduced and illustrated using number lines. Equivalent fractions with different denominators are illustrated on two number lines. The fractions are defined as equivalent because they represent the same point on the number line. Students are required to create a fraction on a number line that is equivalent to a given fraction. They are then required to determine the numerator of the equivalent fraction.