Algebra C Math: Operations with Functions

This topic teaches the student the arithmetic of functions. The student learns to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compose functions. This series of eight lessons teaches the student how to combine functions in numerous ways.

Addition of Functions

This lesson introduces the student to the addition of functions. The student learns how to add two functions.

Subtraction of Functions

In this lesson, the student is introduced to subtracting functions.

Multiplication of Functions

This lesson teaches the student how to multiply two functions.

Division of Functions

This lesson teaches the student how to divide two functions.

Composition of Functions I

In this lesson, the student is introduced to the composition operation as it relates to functions. The student will learn how to compose two functions and the thought process that goes into composing two functions.

Composition of Functions II

This lesson shows the student how to rewrite the composition of two functions in standard form. The lesson teaches the student how to fully simplify the composition of two functions.

Evaluating Functions: Function Arithmetic

This lesson teaches the student how to evaluate a combination of two functions at a specific point. The student sees how to use function arithmetic and the composition operation to find a specific values output.

Evaluating Functions: Horizontal Transformation

In this lesson, the student learns how to simplify horizontal transformations in a function.

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