Classroom Support and Prevention for Tier 1

In addition to the prescriptive intervention program iPASS, iLearn also provides the same curriculum resources in a format designed to support effective implementation in the Tier 1 classroom.

Supplement instruction on specific topics as you cover them in the classroom. Engage students and broaden understanding with high-quality instruction using the same engaging multimedia format as all learning resources in iLearn. Provide extensive practice opportunities for students as well as tests for self-assessment during study. A full range of assessments are also available for diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation.

High-Quality Instruction

The heart of all iLearn programs is high-quality instruction delivered in an engaging, multimedia format. The classroom support resources provide access to the entire iLearn curriculum of over 700 online lessons spanning grades K-8 and high school algebra. Each lesson contains both instruction and practice.

Easy Assignments

Assign instruction, practice and/or tests in any combination. Make assignments to students at any grade level, and easily control every aspect of how students access the learning resources. You can make verbal assignments with unlimited access to all content, or you can also make controlled assignments to limit access to the assigned topics. Choose a mastery format if desired, and set due dates for assignments to a single student, a group of students or an entire class. Utilize integrated tests for convenient formative assessment.

Learning Progressions

CCSS Learning Progressions are ideal for Tier 2 Intervention on specific topics across grade levels. For example, the fractions learning progression enables students to progress through the sequence of lessons beginning with the simplest concepts in second grade through the most complex concepts in sixth grade.

Convenient Reports

Easily monitor all aspects of student use and performance on any and all activities assigned. Online reports reflect the important aspects of student activity and performance in completing assignments, including time on task. Reports range from those that are highly detailed at the individual student level to those that provide summaries by assignment.

Flexible Access

Because the resources are delivered online, students can access them at school or at home, which makes them convenient for use in a blended learning environment at school, for homework, or for assigned work in a flipped classroom. Convenient, yet effective uses are virtually limitless.

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