In earlier lessons, students learned to convert measures in the U. S. Customary system of measurement. Those conversions were limited to cases in which the conversion was made from a larger unit to a smaller unit. This results in the use of multiplication in all cases.
Students learned a systematic strategy for solving these problems using a graphic organizer which is a condensed representation of a multiplication table that applies to the problem.
In this lesson, students extend what they learned in those lessons to convert measures in the opposite direction. They convert smaller units into larger units. This results in the use of division in all cases. They use the same graphic organizer as the one used in prior lessons for solving unit conversion problems based on multiplication, but the problems in this lesson are based on division.
In earlier lessons, students learned to convert measures in the metric system of measurement. Those conversions were limited to cases in which the conversion was made from a larger unit to a smaller unit, such as from meters to centimeters. This results in the use of multiplication in all cases.
Students learned a systematic strategy for solving these problems using a graphic organizer which is a condensed representation of a multiplication table that applies to the problem.
In this lesson, students extend what they learned in those lessons to convert measures in the opposite direction. They convert smaller units into larger units. For example, converting millimeters to meters; this results in the use of division in all cases. They use the same graphic organizer as the one used in prior lessons for solving unit conversion problems based on multiplication, but the problems in this lesson are based on division.