Middle School

Middle School achieves 41 Percentage Point Gain on AYP Math Test.

  • From 2003 through 2008, Early County Middle School doubled the percentage of students who met or exceeded the standard on the math CRCT from 41% to 82%, a truly remarkable increase of 41 percentage points .
  • During the same period, the percentage of all students in grades 6-8 in the state increased by less than 2 percentage points.
  • In 2003, the school scored more than 27 percentage points below the state average. Now, students surpass the statewide average by 6 percentage points .
  • Among the gains in the school was an increase of 52 percentage points for minority students and an increase of 47 percentage points for the number of students with disabilities meeting or exceeding the state standard.

“Frankly, we’re not aware of any other way to get the kind of achievement gains that iLearn shows us.”
– Dr. Lee Howard, Marietta City Schools (retired)

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  • Teachers spending more time teaching and less time on paperwork
  • Teachers spending more time teaching and less time on paperwork
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